Thursday, March 19, 2015

It's Review Time!!

Oh it's that GLORIOUS time of year!! Grades 3-8 ELA and Math Assessment time.  While preparing for these tests students and teachers both need to "mix things up" every once in a while.  Here are two great review activities through using game based learning that you can use in class to assist your students in fun, creative and interesting ways.


Socrative can be found in the Chrome Web Store  and similarly to Kahoot lets teachers engage and assess their students with educational activities on tablets, laptops and smartphones. Socrative uses real time questioning, BUT IN ADDITION HAS instant result aggregation and visualization, wherein teachers can gauge the whole class’ current level of understanding.

Here is a great User Guide that will show all the steps for working through, creating and understanding Socrative

For Teachers: 


Kahoot  is a site where teachers can Create, quizzes, discussions or even surveys for their students to answer through  Using the simple and speedy ‘drag n drop’ creation tool, teachers can create and manage their work in the form of quizzes, surveys or polls related to specific topics; either asking quick questions ‘on the go’ to get feedback or opinion, or more in depth questions for formative assessment. Students can also create quiz questions of their own for other students to answer and quiz each other through

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